Brand new Play at Home kits are designed to give everyone a chance to receive aWonderWomanpromotional figureto celebrate theWonder Woman 80th Anniversaryset release.
This version of ofDianafeatures a classic sculpt!She’s an excellent support piece for anyAmazonteam! This is a figure that can’t be missed! The sculpt features excellent detail, a superior paint job, and small terrain!
This kit also comes with a specialInvisible JetClix FX bystander as well as a double-sided map that has each square individually labeled to make it easier to playHeroClixremotely. If both players havethe same map from the Play at Home kit, they can have their own set up and follow along while playing.
Unlike Release Day OP kits, this SKU will be available for purchase individually by anyone.
Play at Home Kit Contents:
- One (1) Limited EditionWonderWoman HeroClixFigure with Character Card
- One (1)Invisible JetClix FX Bystander
- One (1) Double-Sided 24 x 36Map